The data presented in this web portal are from pooled, image-based
CRISPR knockout screens in HeLa cells. First, a fixed-cell primary
screen targeted 5,072 fitness-conferring genes, with phenotypes
measured using fluorescence microscopy of stains for DNA (DAPI),
tubulin (antibody), gamma-H2AX (antibody), and actin (phalloidin).
A secondary screen collected live-cell image phenotypes of cells
expressing mCherry-tagged Histone H2B for 239 of these gene
targets. See the “About” page for more about the screens and the
data. Included in this portal are montages of individual interphase
and mitotic cell images for each gene target from the fixed cell
screen and time lapse montages of individual mitotic events for the
genes included in the secondary screen. Also included are
interactive tools for exploring a subset of the 1084 phenotypic
parameters extracted from the primary screen images and the
functional landscape of essential genes derived from
high-dimensional analysis of these parameters. Enjoy!